2. About Designer

Say goodbye to boring courses.

The innovative and award-winning  course format gives teachers a variety of layout and design options for their courses. It is packed with features for professionals that want to create stunning courses. 

Designer was built on the assumption that not all sections and activities in a course are equal or equally important. Teachers can choose different layouts for activities and sections, even in the same course. Activities can be displayed as cards, lists, links or circles.  

This opens up a whole new world of possible course layouts — from minimalist micro-courses to multi-course programs. Mix & Match! 

In addition, teachers can style sections and images with backgrounds, apply masks and choose which data is displayed.

To illustrate the progress in a course, activities can display a different image upon completion. Cleverly used, this introduces a great tool to gamify courses. 

For smaller courses, Designer provides the dedicated course type “Flow”, which displays sections as stacks of tiles. There’s also a “Kanban” type that displays sections as columns on a board.

But Designer is more than just design. Teachers can enable a course header to display relevant information such as progress, dates and the teacher(s).

Important „hero“ activities are conveniently accessible anytime directly from the secondary course navigation. Designer‘s course prerequisites feature makes it easy to create programs consisting of activities and courses. 

Use Cases
  • Increase learner engagement

  • Enhance user experience

  • Simplify onboarding

More about Designer here.

Designer – The anatomy of an activity 

Designer – Layout options for activities and sections