Site: Moodle Demo Site by bdecent
Course: bdecent Advent calendar 2023
Book: 11
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Monday, 16 September 2024, 9:11 PM


Learning platform with a Netflix look and feel

1. Learning platform with a Netflix look and feel

Moodle is a proven, robust and very flexible learning platform with a sleek design. In this talk we will show how to transform Moodle into a learning platform with a Netflix look & feel – playful, stylish and with the user at the center.

2. Dash

Make it your Moodle.

Customize your Moodle site to your  needs, entirely without time consuming and expensive bespoke development. Using the powerful Dash block, you can completely change the layout, content and style of pages like the front page or the dashboard.

At the heart of the Dash framework is a powerful query builder. Dash makes data available from various data sources, such as courses, users, completions, site logs and more. This data is then displayed using layouts such as grid, slider, masonry or tables and comes with many powerful customisation options like filters, conditions and full control over the fields displayed.

Additional dashboards can be setup to cater for the specific needs of your target groups and/or roles. This gives you the ability to adjust the layout and structure of your Moodle site to what makes sense for your particular use case.

Use Cases

  • Mandatory learning overview

  • Display courses that your learners have to complete

  • Course catalogues with filters and on-page search

  • Teacher’s area: a dedicated place for teachers

  • Team dashboard, empowering line managers to manage their team

  • Community pages, to connect your learners and supercharge groups

  • … and many more

More about Dash.

3. Union

Native moodle, on steroids.

The Union theme adds a lot of configuration and customization options to Moodle, all carefully designed and developed to perfectly integrate into the system and feel native to it.

Each option can be enabled by the site administrator separately to match exactly the requirements of the organization, without changing everything else.

Here are some of the many features:

Branding & design options

colors, typography, icons, headers


smart menus, customize Moodle‘s main navigation


set page width, many block regions


footer, static pages, banners, marketing spots


customize the look and feel for course categories or target groups

About Boost Union at MoodleMoot 2023

News post and recording of live presentation here.