4. Anti-bullying

Procedures for Recording and Reporting Bullying Behaviour:

It is the duty of any individual who witnesses or is told about bullying behaviour to ensure that the incident is reported to the appropriate persons. The appropriate person in this Learning Area is Jeffrey Sanders. Jeffrey will then then undertake an investigation and complete a ‘Bullying Concern Form . A copy of this form must be stored by relevant class teachers of both victims and perpetrators. 

Each term, every pupil will be given the opportunity to complete a confidential bullying survey. Jeffrey Sanders will evaluate responses, interview and offer support and advice to pupils identified as victims or responsible for bullying behaviour. Where there is a cause for concern, parents will be notified in writing and invited to come into school. As part of the induction programme all teachers new to the school will be instructed how to manage the completion of the survey to ensure complete confidentiality.

When incidents of bullying behaviour have been dealt with, Jeffrey Sanders will write to the parents of those involved, summarising actions taken and asking for a response.