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    • Customize your Moodle site to your needs, entirely without time consuming and expensive bespoke development. Using the powerful Dash block, you can completely change the layout, content and style of pages like the front page or the dashboard. At the heart of the Dash framework is a powerful query builder. Dash makes data available from various data sources, such as courses, users, completions, site logs and more. This data is then displayed using layouts such as grid, slider, masonry or tables and comes with many powerful customisation options like filters, conditions and full control over the fields displayed. Additional dashboards can be setup to cater for the specific needs of your target groups and/or roles. This gives you the ability to adjust the layout and structure of your Moodle site to what makes sense for your particular use case.

      More about Dash plugin

    • The Skills plugin allows organizations to define, integrate, and visualize individual skill levels of their learners. It is crafted to enhance the learning experience by providing a tangible representation of skills acquisition, catering to a wide array of learning environments and educational needs. Skills is the right choice for you if just tracking completion and awarding badges is not enough, but you don’t want to deal with Moodle’s competency system.

      More about Skills plugin

    • Discover skill progression visually and explore skill levels through images, providing users with a clear view of their proficiency journey. Administrators can choose to highlight the current skill level with a larger image or display all skill levels, indicating the user’s progress.